never let the tinyweb die.

    the tinyweb is more or less a new definition for something that used to exist - an intranet of

typically personal webpages that surround a general genre of idea. before there was a term for it

(mostly used on technology imageboards), users usually did it via word-of-mouth to drive traffic to one

another. i'd argue that it's one of the best ways to not just learn about a singular topic, but also to

learn about the people that keep that topic alive.

    the typical tinyweb page uses little resources, rarely uses javascript, and tends to not use third-party

resources. these pages are usually either self-hosted, or hosting on a free/cheap host that doesn't get in the way of user

opinion (censorship). the tinyweb exists on the internet itself, while remaining as an intranet; things on the darknet (TOR)

or blockchain are not usually considered "tinyweb", even if the same concept applies.

    in order to set up a tinyweb, you simply have two or more separate webpages, then create a link

to each others' pages. these links are usually on either the homepage (to bring immediate attention to related users),

or on a dedicated "links" page (to bring the most interested users). in a network of three or more users, those within

the network should refer to every other webpage.

    the tinyweb as a concept is one of the last parts of internet culture with actual soul. since

its conceptual comeback, i've grown a new faith for internet users. people are slowly realizing the consequences

of convenience, especially with social media. it's a lot more fun and educational to make your own simple webpage,

and set up ever-growing networks with those with similar interests. speaking of, there's no rules against limiting

your tinyweb to only one interest! you can be in more than one tinyweb per webpage.

    you may be wondering what difference there is between the normal internet and the tinyweb.

in the simplest of terms, there is no search engines. there's no reason for things like search engine optimization.

it's just you, your friends, and a collective of those learning about similar things.