for the average end-user and/or consumer, ethics fall second place to convenience.
in fact, the majority of the population won't care about how useless/unethical/immoral/harmful something
is if it means something is made more convenient in their lives as a result of using said product/service.
it's a common myth that a more ethical life is inconvenient; it's rather easy to live an ethical life in
your everyday! to make it easier for you, below is a list of things you can avoid if it means living more
ethically. I should make some notes - nobody is perfect, and ethics are subjective. you can pick and choose
from this list in accordance with your personal code, and that's perfectly fine! i must also suggest shopping
only with small businesses whenever possible. not only can it help your fellow non-corporate man, but you learn
to observe the disgusting consumer lifestyles brought upon us by big business; it's humbling.